Switch a trait of investigation on. After activating the switch, click on a country to visualize the bar chart and histogram.
Switch a trait of investigation on. After activating the switch, click on a country to visualize the bar chart and histogram.
Bell Hooks
Daniele Bolelli
Frank Ocean
lack of restriction, accessability
lack of secrecy or concealment; frankness
the quality or state of being relatively free from obstruction or relatively unoccupied
the quality of being receptive to new ideas, opinions, or arguments; open-mindedness
Carl Jung
N. T. Wright
Laurie Helgoe
personality trait typically characterized by outgoingness, high energy, and/or talkativeness.
a state of being where someone "recharges", or draws energy, from being with other people
the opposite—drawing energy from being alone—is known as introversion.
the quality of being receptive to new ideas, opinions, or arguments; open-mindedness
Stewart O'Nan, Henry
Sir Fulke Greville
Benjamin Disraeli
personality trait manifesting itself in individual behavioral characteristics that are perceived as kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, and considerate
people high in agreeableness are more trusting, affectionate, altruistic, and generally displaying more prosocial behaviors than others.
agreeable people may struggle to assert their wants, needs, and preferences.
Viktor E. Frankl
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Martin Luther King, Jr.
the quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
personality trait of being careful, or diligent.
implies a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously.
Sylvia Plath
Robert A. Heinlein
Carl Jung
focuses on emotional instability and negativity or maladjustment, in contrast to emotional stability and positivity, or good adjustment
to experience negative affects, including anger, anxiety, self‐consciousness, irritability, emotional instability, and depression
afflicted by neurosis, which are mental, emotional, or physical reactions that are drastic and irrational