Switch a trait of investigation on. After activating the switch, click on a country to visualize the bar chart and histogram.






Sample questions

Positive impact questions

Negative impact questions

    Questions with positive impact on openness
  • Have a vivid imagination
  • Believe in the importance of art
  • Experience my emotions intensely
  • Prefer variety to routine
  • Like to solve complex problems
  • Believe that criminals should receive help rather than punishment
Vivid dreams
    Questions with negative impact on openness
  • Seldom daydream
  • Do not like poetry
  • Am not easily affected by my emotions
  • Prefer to stick with things that I know
  • Am not interested in abstract ideas
  • Believe in one true religion
Left brain
    Questions with positive impact on extraversion
  • Make friends easily
  • Talk to a lot of different people at parties
  • Try to lead others
  • Am always busy
  • Enjoy being part of a loud crowd
  • Laugh my way through life
    Questions with negative impact on extraversion
  • Am hard to get to know
  • Prefer to be alone
  • Wait for others to lead the way
  • Like to take my time
  • Dislike loud music
  • Am not easily amused
    Questions with positive impact on agreeableness
  • Trust others
  • Would never cheat on my taxes
  • Make people feel welcome
  • Am easy to satisfy
  • Dislike being the center of attention
  • Feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself
    Questions with negative impact on agreeableness
  • Suspect hidden motives in others
  • Pretend to be concerned for others
  • Make people feel uncomfortable
  • Contradict others
  • Believe that I am better than others
  • Can't stand weak people
Smarter than you
    Questions with positive impact on conscientiousness
  • Know how to get things done
  • Like order
  • Try to follow the rules
  • Go straight for the goal
  • Get chores done right away
  • Choose my words with care
    Questions with negative impact on conscientiousness
  • Misjudge situations
  • Leave a mess in my room
  • Break my promises
  • Am not highly motivated to succeed
  • Need a push to get started
  • Often make last-minute plans
Untidy room
    Questions with positive impact on neuroticism
  • Worry about things
  • Get angry easily
  • Often feel blue
  • Am easily intimidated
  • Often eat too much
  • Become overwhelmed by events
    Questions with negative impact on neuroticism
  • Don't worry about things that have already happened
  • Rarely complain
  • Feel comfortable with myself
  • Am not bothered by difficult social situations
  • Never spend more than I can afford
  • Am calm even in tense situations
Do not worry