Over 3,543,000 apps

Over 741,624,857,532 downloads


The App Store and Google Play Store are widely recognized platforms where developers can showcase and distribute their mobile applications to millions of users worldwide. These stores host a vast array of apps spanning various categories, catering to diverse user interests and needs.

Our primary aim is to empower you with valuable insights into the factors that contribute to the success of Android and Apple applications. By analyzing the extensive dataset available, we strive to unravel the secrets behind app triumphs, uncover emerging trends, and shed light on failure cases.

Whether you are an app developer, market researcher, or simply curious about the world of mobile applications, our website serves as a valuable resource to explore, analyze, and gain knowledge from the wealth of data available from the App Store and Google Play Store.

Start your journey now and unlock the secrets that lie within the vibrant realm of app success!

Paths to success

When you're building an app, there are so many choices to make. It can be overwhelming! But don't worry, we've got you covered. If you're wondering what factors contribute to app success, we've got a cool visualization tool for you. Just pick a category that interests you, and we'll show you the inside scoop. Oh, and don't forget to check out the Editor's Choice section to see what the top-notch app recommended from Google Play's experts have done. With our visualization, you can navigate the app world with confidence. No more guesswork, just data-driven insights to help you make the right decisions.

Hover one of the link to display from and to which label we are going, and how many applications are concerned. Use the slider to change between datasets and the drop down menu to change the category.

IAP: In-App Purchases

Follow the trends

Thinking about building your dream app? Wondering if it's the perfect time to bring your idea to life? With this visualization, you can explore past trends and see how the app market has evolved over the years. It's like having a time machine for app trends! You can dive into the changes in the top 10 categories and age ratings and spot the winning trends that can skyrocket your app's success. So, why wait? Let's take a journey through time and find the perfect wave to ride for your app idea!

Hover one of the area to display the name of the correspond category or age rating on the top left of the chart. Use the first slider to change between datasets and the second one to change the way we split applications.

Size matters

Have you ever wondered which category is the biggest in terms of overall applications? Are you choosing the correct niche market to create your app? Which ones are the most downloaded apps of a certain category and which details distinguish them? Wonder no more as this visualization was made for you. With a glimpse of an eye, you henceforth know it.

Each tile size represents the proportion of applications in the category, click on a tile to display the 10 most downloaded/reviewed applications for that specific category.
Hover a tile to display its name, the number of applications and the percentage it represents. Use the slider to change between datasets.
You can also click on an app in the top at the right to show more information about it.

But also details count

Choosing the right genre is not enough: unleash the hidden world within a category! Uncover intriguing patterns in the naming conventions of its apps, and discover the most common topics and functionalities people want.
The chart showcases the 10 most used words overall or by category.

Simply chose one category in the drop down menu above.
You can also change between datasets with the slider

Is there a strict correlation between the rating of an app and its success in terms of downloads? Find it out in this heatmap. Unfortunately, Apple marketplace does not provide this information publicly, so the data will focus on Android apps only.

Hover the cell to display the number of applications there is for that category and rating.
Select a category with the drop down menu and change between datasets with the slider.

We had a preview of applications that contained a mean of remuneration, be it in-app purchases or ads, in the Sankey diagram. But here we focus solely on that information! Unfortunately, Apple marketplace does not provide this information publicly, so the data will focus on Android apps only.

Hover the area of the bar you are interested in to display the number of applications it contains. Select a category with the drop down menu and change between datasets with the slider. Use the second slider to change whether you want to look for all the applications or for the top 10/100/1000 in terms of downloads.

IAP: In-App Purchases